Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Heegeldatud unimüts / Crocheted Sleepy Head

Õpetus pärit siit.

Pattern from here.

Mängutelk / Play Tent for Kids

Otsustasin ära kasutada mõningaid kangaid, mis juba ammu-ammu kapis seisid. Nii valmis mängutelk lastele. Õpetus pärit sellest raamatust.

There were several fabrics in the cupboard that had been there for too long, this is how a play tent for the kids was born. Pattern from this book.

Heegeldatud Sipsik, Bruno ja Albert / Estonian kids' crocheted favorites

Sipsiku, Bruno ja Alberti õpetused pärit siit, Lotte oma siit.

Bruno, Lotte and Albert
These are the favorite characters of Estonian kids, crocheted after patterns from here and here.