Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rahvuslik / Ethnical

Suvise pööripäeva ja valgete ööde puhul valmis rahvuslikus meeleolus linane kotike. Disainitud minu poolt:D

One of the most important holidays for Estonians - Midsummer's Day - is getting closer. So I have designed a small bag in ethnical style for that festive occasion.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Värske soolakurk / Salted cucumbers

Eile surfasin netis, et leida nõuandeid tõeliselt heade värskete soolakurkide tegemiseks. Kombineerides erinevaid retsepte ja nõuandeid juhindusin järgnevast:

1 kg kurke
1,5 l toasooja/jahedat vett
3 spl jämedat meresoola
1 spl suhkurt
(üks suur) mädarõikaleht
(mõned varred) värsket koriandrit
paar küüslauguküünt

Hoidsin kurke veidi külmas vees, siis pesin sooja veega puhtaks. Lõikasin ära kurkide ühe otsa. Maitsetaimed (mida tuli kokku peotäis) tükeldasin (kääridega). Ladusin kurgid ja maitsetaimed vaheldumisi potti (nõu ei ole tegelikult oluline) ja kallasin peale soola ja suhkruga segatud toasooja/jaheda vee. Panin peale surutise ja jätsin kurgid toatemperatuurile seisma. Vähem kui 24 tunni pärast proovisin ja olid juba väga head - soolased ja hästi krõmpsud:) 24 tunni möödudes võiks nad vististi juba jahedasse tõsta.

I have made the first salted cucumbers of this summer. They are classics and "must" during Estonian summer:) If you want to try to make them as well, let me know and I will translate the recipe.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer bag

I have sewed a large summer bag that could hold everything for a perfect summer day: beach clothes, drinks and a good magazine. I decorated it with some confetti and the lining is made of an old pillowcase (that saved me doing some seams). Ready for beach (we are having around 30C nowadays)!

Friday, June 3, 2011

A pink dress

I have crocheted a pink dress for a Barbie (-size) doll. But since there is no Barbies in our house I cannot show you a doll wearing that dress. The dress is another part of birthday present to my niece.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011