Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kutsed / Invitations

Isal on sel suvel suur juubel tulemas ning valmistasin kutsed selleks pidulikuks päevaks. Tahtsin teha midagi vintage-stiilis ja sain oma peas olnud kavandi teoks teha, kuid siis selgus, et isale see ei sobinud, tema tahtis midagi lihtsamat ja tagasihoidliku Eesti mehena ei tahtnud ta oma pilti ka nii suurelt näha. Seega läksid käiku hoopis lihtsamad kutsed kui see, mida siin eksponeerin.

My dad has 70th birthday coming up this summer and I made the invitation cards for that occasion. I wanted to make invitations in vintage style and made one as an example but my dad did not like it, he wanted to have something more simple and without that big photo (he is a typical shy Estonian man!), so finally I made totally different invitations but I still wanted to show you the one in vintage style.